Shukuma Flooring
Welcome to Shukuma Flooring
Shukuma Flooring Systems (PTY) Ltd, based in Port Elizabeth, has made a noticeable difference to the construction industry in the Eastern Cape and Southern Cape.
The SHUKUMA approach to installing floors, roofs and many other applications where pre-stressed slabs are suitable, offers more advantages than the traditional product. Among other benefits, contractors now enjoy increased efficiency without the need for storage space and props on often crowded sites.
Already a success in other parts of the country, the notion of concrete sections, designed in-house for specific purposes, makes a lot of sense.

- Services
- Product Advantages
- Basic Parameters
- Applications
- Additions
- Site Requirements
Shukuma’s one-stop service simplifies construction and notably reduces construction time.
Concrete Hollowcore Floors are designed according to SANS 0100 to meet the requirements of each structure in which they will be utilized.
The highest slipforming technology is used in the manufacturing process of Shukuma Hollowcore Flooring.
Services offered by Shukuma include the following:
- ASSISTANCE with the planning of a layout to accommodate Hollowcore Flooring
- DESIGN of the floor panels only, should a client not have his own engineer
- MANUFACTURE of Hollowcore Flooring to the highest standard
- TRANSPORTATION of floors to site
- INSTALLATION of floors
- Placing of floors on structure
- Final leveling
- Grouting of joints, using materials supplied by the client.
NO SHUTTERING and SUPPORTS (props) required
NO STORAGE SPACE required on site
There is NO LABOUR COST to construct the floor
NO TIME DELAY due to the erection and dismantling of support systems (shuttering and props)
NO TIME DELAY is experienced due to fixing reinforcement, placing of concrete, and the setting, curing and hardening of concrete
NO RISK of poor workmanship, incorrect placing of reinforcement, under-strength or poorly compacted concrete.
NO CEILINGS are required
There is a 30% SAVING on the weight of the floor
Up to 450m² of Hollowcore Flooring can be placed by a Shukuma team in one day on a well-planned and prepared site, with good weather conditions.
PROPPING is unnecessary
Slabs require a LEVELLING SCREED only
CANTILEVERS can be formed by incorporating steel reinforcing into the hollow cores. These are grouted during the casting process in the factory.
Slabs are often used for ROOF PANELS or BALCONIES
A minimum Ref. 100 mesh must be used in the insulating screed, with a slip joint on the walls.
Where tiles are to be laid on indoor areas, a minimum Ref. 100 mesh must be used in the screed, and expansion joints are necessary.
The same mesh is required in all unfinished areas.
All flooring applications can be executed using precast components, from domestic housing to bridge decks. However, each system has its own specific area of usefulness, where its advantages are best utilized.
For floors in buildings, if speed and absence of propping are paramount, then hollow core slabs with finished soffits are probably the best choice.
For long, uninterrupted spans the prestressed systems are appropriate; beam and block, panel and topping, hollow core. For suspended ground floors, where finished soffits are unnecessary, then beam and block is difficult to beat.
- Housing
- Educational
- Offices & Commercial
- Industrial
- Warehouses
- Hospitals
- Roofs
- Car parks
- Suspended ground slabs (heaving clays)
- Hotels
All our products are produced to cater for multi-level/storey structures.
Openings and holds for stairs and services are easily accommodated.
Holes up to 90mm can be made on site. Holes larger than 90mm should be planned in consultation with the Design Engineer.
Cut-outs can be made in the factory, as well as skew-cut ends. Special strengthening of these cut-outs is done during manufacture.
Special hangers can be supplied by Shukuma to accommodate stairs or other large openings in a floor.
Light fittings
Down lighters are installed without effort, by coring a vertical hole through the cores of the slab, fitting the down lighter and accommodating the transformer and wiring in the horizontal hollowcore.
Standard lights and fittings are fitted by driving a hold through the floor and tucking away the wiring.
If a hammer and chisel is used, it is advisable to chisel from the soffit. Chipped edges are easily repaired by using ‘Rhinolite’ or a similar product.
In order to provide an efficient service, Shukuma requires the following:
SITE ACCESS: Clear and unobstructed access to the structure requiring the floor. A sound firm surface around the structure for crane support.
LOAD-BEARING SURFACE: Load-bearing walls should be level or a level mortar bed should be supplied to ensure a flush ceiling.
BUILDING DIMENSIONS: Building constructed accurately according to plans will avoid delays. Floor panels are uniquely designed and cut for each project.
GROUTING MATERIAL: Grouting materials supplied by the customer to be available on site on the day of installation.
OPENING IN LOAD-BEARING WALLS: Window and door opening should comply with the following:
Up to 2m: lintels with 5 courses of brickwork with brickforce in every layer.
More than 2m: refer to the Structural Engineer for detailing of additional steel and support.
Openings should be supported using props while floors are placed.